Friday, December 14, 2012

Week Eight of The Hawk


Here's my blurb about my eighth week on the staff The Hawk:

     I am more than furious with my assistant Megan right now. She could potentially get me in a lot of trouble, and I'm not sure if I can trust her anymore. Let me explain.
    This week, she wrote the Back On My Feet article, about an organization that helps homeless people get, well, back on their feet through running and encouragement. However, when we first went to run this article, she told me at first that she didn't get any pictures of it, and neither did our photo editor, so I didn't run it, because I wanted to have pictures with it. Now, all of a sudden, this week she says she actually does have pictures, and that she was too afraid to show me them because she thought they were bad. However, the pictures are actually REALLY good, which left me skeptical that she actually took them. However, I looked everywhere online for them, and I couldn't find them. I chose to run the article, because I needed to fill space. However, if I gave credit to her, instead of someone else who deserves it, I will pin all the blame on her, for lying to me, and on Ben, for not getting pictures in the first place. End rant.
     I also ran the an article about Running to Write article, written by Devlin Carey, and an article on the Passport Program, written by Kathleen DiMaggio.

Here's some PDFs of my work:

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