Friday, December 14, 2012

Week Eleven of The Hawk


This is my last post of The Hawk for this semester. Enjoy!


     This is the last issue of the semester. I can’t believe it. Where does the time go?
     This week, I ran an article on the Christmas Village by Georgina, and I wrote a review of the restaurant Debreaux’s.
    Last week we ran an Overheard that mentioned Anne Frank, and we got a lot of heat from it. When Joe first texted it to me, I didn’t even think twice about it. All of us didn’t; these kind of jokes are so common for us and are said all the time, that we have become desensitized to them. However, people were offended because of it, and I feel bad. I will make sure to watch what I put in the newspaper from now on.
     I learned so much this semester, and how to deal with problems, work hard, manage my time, and it is so worth it. Each and every week I got to see the fruits of my effort, and it had to be one of the greatest feelings.

Here are some PDFs of my work:

Week Ten of The Hawk

Hi everyone,

Here is my recap of week ten at The Hawk:


     I am extremely frustrated with how last night went. I was all ready to go before 12, and the graphic that Ben told Kati to make was still not even close to being done. Though it wasn’t Kati’s fault, her computer crashed, I still gave Ben the article in advance so that the graphic could be started earlier. However, it wasn’t started, and I had to wait a little while, until I decided to go home because all he had to do was plug it in. Ugh. End rant.
     This week, I am running tips on how to stop stressing, written by Megan, and Cops in the Classroom by Cat Coyle. I like the articles, but things need to be ran more efficiently.
     Also, last week the name of the writer for the Saint Bros article was messed up on the front page, and I’m also annoyed with that. It makes me look bad.

Here are PDFs of my work:

Week Nine of The Hawk

Hey all,

Here's a post about week number 9 of my time working on The Hawk:


     I am excited, and kind of nervous, about this week. We are running the Saint Bros. article, written by Georgina, and I’m not sure how people will react to it. I’m not sure if people will even read it. I know Noah didn’t want to have the article ran in the paper, since he never answered my Facebook message about having his picture taken for the article. I’m still going to run it, anyway. We’ll see what happens…
     I’m also running an article about how walking is good exercise for students. I like fitness articles, so I’m excited about it. I also want to feel better about myself, since I don’t have a lot of time to workout anymore, so I just walk everywhere.
     Also, I am SO happy that I’m getting these articles from Dr. Spinner’s class. It is making my life ten times easier, especially as the amount of school work I have increases.

Here's some PDFs of my work:

Week Eight of The Hawk


Here's my blurb about my eighth week on the staff The Hawk:

     I am more than furious with my assistant Megan right now. She could potentially get me in a lot of trouble, and I'm not sure if I can trust her anymore. Let me explain.
    This week, she wrote the Back On My Feet article, about an organization that helps homeless people get, well, back on their feet through running and encouragement. However, when we first went to run this article, she told me at first that she didn't get any pictures of it, and neither did our photo editor, so I didn't run it, because I wanted to have pictures with it. Now, all of a sudden, this week she says she actually does have pictures, and that she was too afraid to show me them because she thought they were bad. However, the pictures are actually REALLY good, which left me skeptical that she actually took them. However, I looked everywhere online for them, and I couldn't find them. I chose to run the article, because I needed to fill space. However, if I gave credit to her, instead of someone else who deserves it, I will pin all the blame on her, for lying to me, and on Ben, for not getting pictures in the first place. End rant.
     I also ran the an article about Running to Write article, written by Devlin Carey, and an article on the Passport Program, written by Kathleen DiMaggio.

Here's some PDFs of my work:

Week Seven of The Hawk

Hi everyone,

Here's my experience working at The Hawk for the seventh week:


     As a result of Hurricane Sandy, we didn’t have an issue last week. I really wanted to have an article about the damage Sandy caused and how people are dealing with it. Ben wrote an article on Point Pleasant and how the community is pulling together and are trying to deal with the present situation. Garrett Miley wrote the Faces of SJU article about Melissa Kelly, and Nicole Hoffmann wrote the article on the Kristin’s Krusade 5k. I also decided to take the comments out of the Overheards this week. I heard negative feedback about them, and I’d rather not make myself look like a fool.

Here's some PDFs of my work:

Week Six of The Hawk

Hey hey,

Here's a recap of my sixth week working with some great people on the staff of The Hawk:


     This Monday night was a very weird, frustrating night. First of all, the power went out for FOUR HOURS. Four hours of our precious time was wasted waiting for the power to come on. I am so annoyed. I would have been done by 12am if it wasn’t for the power outage. Thank God Gio, a gradute student who works here, told us about the planned power outage THAT THEY FAILED TO TELL US ABOUT. Can you tell I’m frustrated?
     Luckily for me, this week, I only had to do 2 pages. Erin wrote an article on Our Mother of Sorrows Parish’s dining program and another article on the ROTC dedication ceremony, and I wrote the faces of SJU article on Marty Wagner, the guy who helps print the newspaper. The layout and pictures were both good this week. Again, if only we didn’t have that power outage…

Here's PDFs of my work:

Week Five of The Hawk

Hello readers,

Here's a summary of my fifth week as an editor on The Hawk Newspaper staff:


     This week I had 3 pages: I had the article/graphic on the bad effects of soda, the photo story of student/faculty softball game, and a restaurant review of the Town Hall Company Co. This week was kind of frustrating in terms of graphics and pictures. Ben didn’t give me enough pictures, and didn’t give them to me in color, when I asked them to be in color. I know he was busy with the business review, but I need my stuff too! It gets really frustrating sometimes. I’m also not the biggest fan of the graphic for the soda article either. I also waited a while for my articles and pictures. I also decided that I really don’t like to make the dumb comments for Overheards. I’m not clever enough to mke them funny.
     Also, Megan took FOREVER to get her article to me. She gave it to me on MONDAY AFTERNOON. I am not happy. I shouldn’t have to wait this long.
     However, I got a lot of compliments of my profile on Barbara that we ran last week. In fact, it's framed and hanging in The Perch, and Barbara was so happy about her article. It makes all the work I do worth it.

Here's PDFs of my work:

Week Four of The Hawk


Here is a recap of week four of my wonderful time working with The Hawk:


     This issue is my favorite one so far, in terms of content, and layout. Joe wrote an article about 5 tips on how to eat better on the go, I wrote the Faces of SJU article on Barbara Childs, and Corey Bryant wrote an article on the spring styles showed in Fashion Week. I felt that the layout was more magazine-like, which is really cool. The only thing I didn’t know what to about were pictures, but I think I made it work. I hope everyone likes it, because I’m pretty excited about it.

Here's PDFs of my work:

Week Three of The Hawk

Hello hello,

Here's week three of my experience on The Hawk's staff:


     I can finally say that I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of using InDesign. It took a little while, but I am comfortable using it now, which is good. For this issue Kristen Pilkington and Abby Riviello wrote an article about being abroad in Galway, Megan wrote the Faces of SJU article on Cecilia Ready, I wrote an article on the True Story: I’m an Addict event, we had a graphic about what to do for college day in Philly, and Jess wrote a recipe for zucchini bread.
     I had 4 pages this week, and I was definitely struggling with space. I overestimated how long the articles were going to be. We came up with a Trending at SJU box, which I heard people actually liked; maybe I could do that more. I feel like with Overheards though, it might be overkill. This week definitely tested my knowledge of InDesign. Now I know to be more careful when planning my page count and articles out.
     I also tried to make my layout interesting and different again. I hope it worked.

Here's PDFs of my work:

Week Two of The Hawk

Hi everyone! Here's week 2 of my experience on the staff of The Hawk Newspaper:


     This week went a little smoother than last week. I wrote a review on the cool bowling alley called The North Bowl, Megan wrote about the recent Flugtag competition, and Nicole Hoffmann wrote the Faces of SJU article on Kitty Black. We also had a photo story on the Flugtag competition as well.
     Since Ben has been getting on us about how our layout doesn’t look good, I tried to make it different, rather than plain, boring and boxy. I received some compliments about it, so I think I did better than last week. I still think I need to work on getting my writers to submit articles on time; I waited a long time again this week, and it causes me to stay up really late. I also need to work on getting writers in general, because I only have one or two, including my assistant. We can’t write the entire section ourselves.

Here's PDFs of my work:

Week One of The Hawk

Hey guys! Here's week one of my experience on The Hawk:


        This issue of The Hawk was my first issue as a section editor on the staff. I wrote the Faces of SJU article on Kimey Moon, who works at Kimey’s restaurant. My assistant Megan wrote a review of Landmark, since it’s the new bar/restaurant on campus, and it might be successful. Bobby Brier wrote an article on safe running routes around campus, and Katie Smith wrote a recipe for homemade peppermint patties.
     Since this is the first time I’ve done this before, I ran into problems that I wasn’t sure how to deal with, but I worked through it, and everything turned out fine. For example, I kept contacting Bobby over the weekend, asking about the progress of the article, and that I needed to have it by Sunday in the afternoon. However, Sunday night rolled around, and I found out he actually didn’t even start it. Along with that, Ben, our photo editor, forgot to get a picture of Landmark for me. All this was going on while I was trying to figure things out with InDesign. Needless to say, I was frustrated.
     Hopefully things will run smoother next week. We shall see.

Here are the pdfs of my work:

Working on the staff of The Hawk

Hi everyone!

     Sorry I have't posted in a while! I've been very, very busy with school. However, I can show you what I've been up to!

This semester, I've had the pleasure of being the Features section editor for Saint Joseph's University's newspaper The Hawk. I've been keeping a journal about my experiences every week, in order to document the progress we've made. The work flow during the week for The Hawk goes as follows:

Tuesday-Thursday: Assign articles to writers
Friday-Sunday: Receiving articles from writers and editing them
Monday: Crunch time--work on layout, finish editing articles (if necessary), help to come up with the staff editorial for the week, etc.

Then, the process starts all over again!

I'll be posting my journals, along with previews of our work, for you all to see!
