Friday, May 18, 2012

What Pinterest Taught Me Today: Hard Work Pays Off

For those of you who don't know (and most of you don't): I am a little behind because I was so busy with school, and just joined Pinterest. Let me tell you, I am OBSESSED. It's unhealthy. Good thing I waited until after finals to join...

Anyway, I was scrolling through my friend's pins, when I came across this gem:

"If it doesn't challenge you, it does't change you." I thought about this picture today while I was running, as I was having a hard time dragging my butt up a really steep hill along the way. All I wanted to do was stop and walk. But then I thought about will I get ready for bikini season if I walk?? That beach bod isn't going to appear by itself. So, I miraculously kept going and finished my 3.5 mile run without stopping. Woohoo!

But it's not just with running and bathing suit season that this saying can be applied to; it can be used with many aspects of life that are difficult, which is awesome. Everyone faces something in their life that is demanding, and whatever goal they have may seem out of reach. However, no one will accomplish anything by just sitting there. No matter what it is, you have to work for it! This picture makes you keep that in mind.

I want to hang this picture on my wall; it's very motivating. It will be my reminder to keep pushing it on days when I'm feeling lazy or not up to any challenge.

How does this saying apply to you? Let me know through comments!

xoxo -Jen


  1. Thanks for commenting and following my blog...
    I see that you are new to blogging. Enjoy it :)


  2. your right, hard work and positive thinking will work x

    Eimear x

  3. What a lovely post-just what I needed! I'll gladly follow you! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!
    The main difference between Helsinki and Stockholm is that Helsinki is an understated delight, free of cant, pretense, and hype, and with a deep appreciation for what matters: craftsmanship, integrity, and humility.

    E from Helsinki

  4. I have such an unhealthy obsession with Pinterest too! I'm always on it!
