However, I don't like it. I think it should be focusing on healthy girls, rather than skinny vs fit.
Who's to say that skinny girls aren't fit, or attractive? As long as the girl (or guy too, for that matter) is eating and exercising correctly, then where is the problem? One of my good friends is a perfect example of this; she has been very thin all through out her life. However, this isn't because of bad eating habits or overexercising. She actually eats more than most people I know, and is a part of her school's track team, so she is in very good shape. Yet, her nickname has been "string bean" because she is so skinny. I don't think she has ever looked bad though, because she is healthy! It can be same for the curvy girls too. Body type doesn't matter as much as healthy living does!
Secondly, if by skinny, the saying means being skinny through being unhealthy, then why does it say that this kind of skinny looks good in clothes?? Being unhealthy isn't a good look for ANYONE, whether he or she is too thin, or is overweight. This kind of defeats the purpose of the quote.
So instead of skinny and fit, I think that it should say that healthy girls look good both in clothes and naked. Everybody type is complimented by good eating and exercising habits. Being healthy looks great, no matter who you are or what the occasion!
xoxo -Jen