Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Miley Cyrus' Haircut: Edgy, Rather than Ugly

Hi guys,

Everyone is all up in arms about Miley Cyrus' new haircut, and quite frankly, I don't understand why.

Sure, it's not the conventional haircut, and it's definitely something I could not pull off. However, it was a bold move, and I give her props for that. How many of us actually have the courage to try such a different hairstyle, with no regard to anyone else's reaction? Not many? That's what I thought.

It is allegedly reported that Miley has wanted a "Twiggy-like" haircut since she was 15 years old, so why shouldn't she go for it?

Not that this means very much, but Miley, I'm proud of you.You went for something you thought you would love, and you continue to love it, even with all the backlash from the public. You go girl!

What amazes me about this whole situation, is all the attention it is getting. Listen, crazy people, it's just hair! It grows back! It's not the end of the world. This is getting way more press than it should be.

I think Miley always looks great, no matter what. We should all let her enjoy her new, edgy look in peace!

Let me know what you think!

xo- Jen


  1. When I heard about her hair I was expecting something super scary since everyone was up in arms about it! And then I saw it yesterday, and I thought it looked great on her. And also, like you said, it's just hair! People are being so weird and judgey about it.

  2. i love her hair, great post love, got a new post up if you'd like to check it out x
